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Friona High School Athletic Director/Head Coach Jimmy Arias, center, gets ready to pass to one of the receivers during morning practice on Tuesday. The Chiefs began practicing for the upcoming season on Monday morning. Tuesday gave them a chance to practice in rainy, cool weather. The Chiefs will scrimmage the Abernathy Antelopes on Friday, August 18 starting at 5 p.m. at Chieftain Field.
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Prairie Acres residents were enlisted as judges for the Sidewalk Chalk contest held Tuesday, August 8 on the patio. The contestants won special prizes, “Job Well Done” pencils and ice cream sandwiches from Dairy Queen.
Town Talk
Weatherman John Gurley reported that for the month of August Friona has received 2.83 inches of rain and at press time more rain was expected. On Wednesday, August 9, the area had received .79 in precipitation.
The area is showing the effects of all the rain with everything greening up and Reeve Lake is full on both sides of the dam.
One resident described the current weather like being in the tropics.
Football Contest returns August 31
Year two of the Friona Star Football Contest will begin on Thursday, August 31. The format will be the same as last year with prize money of $35 for first place and $25 for second.
Contestants will choose from 12 games each week for 10 weeks. Entry forms will have games including high school, college and pro. There will still be two tie-breakers each week. At the end of 10 weeks the winner will receive a $100 grand prize.
Bovina Church of Christ hosts Fedora Theatrix
In an effort to reach out to the community, Bovina Church of Christ is opening their doors to Fedora Theatrix Productions. Fedora is a theatre group made up of 30-40 local homeschooled teens. Bovina Church of Christ is not only providing the group with their auditorium for play productions but they also are providing snacks, pizza parties, and meals during production rehearsals.
Band booster shirts available
The Friona High School Band Boosters is selling t-shirts for parents and band supporters again this year. The shirts are $20 each. Orders are due Monday, 21, 2017. To place an order call or text Jeri Lynn White at (806) 265-7737.