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Links for Thursday, January 23, 2020:

NewsObituaryTown TalkBook FairDepot MeetingChieftain Choices

Town Talk

Joyce Wells called last week and relayed this story. A couple of weeks ago she returned home around 4 p.m and discovered that someone had left a gift basket on her front porch. The surprise offering contained inspirational books, soup mixes, and assorted candies. There was also a note attached that read To Joyce – Happy New Year! Joyce said that she was thrilled to receive the gift basket and wanted to thank everyone who was involved and wish them a Happy New Year!


The Community Blood Drive is Thursday, January 23rd from Noon until 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall of Calvary Baptist Church located at the north end of Cleveland Street. Blood supplies are low this time of year because the flu prevents a lot of donors from giving. Supplies of A-negative and O-negative blood are especially low. All donors will receive a long-sleeved t-shirt and a free pass to the “Escape House” in Amarillo. Also, the Friona Noon Lions will provide a meal for all participants.


The Freshman class is hosting a Pancake Supper on Friday, January 31st at the High School Cafeteria. Tickets are $8 ($10 at the door) and can be purchased from any FHS freshman. Take-out is available with basic meal. Funds raised from this event will be used in the future for the Junior/Senior prom.


Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. So start collecting photos of those you wish to feature in the Friona Star Valentine edition.


National Days

January 23 — Handwriting Day

January 24 — Compliment Day

January 25 — Opposite Day

January 26 — Peanut Brittle Day

January 27 — Bubble Wrap Appreciation

January 28 — Blueberry Pancake Day

January 29 — Puzzle Day