Friona Chieftain All District Award Winners (l-r) Roger Palacios, Josiah Rejino, Victor Puga, Jose Grado, Xavier Hernandez, Keegan Hurst, Jacob Bautista, Andrew Montana, Eduardo Chavez, Marcos Juarez, Juan Trejo, David Martinez, Tim Ally, Juan Lara, and Jose Rodriguez (not pictured).

Friona received its first snow of the new year this past week. Local weatherman John Gurley said the inch of “fairly wet” snow was equivalent to .14 inches of rain.
Town Talk
Prairie Acres/Heritage Estates News — Courtney London is the Employee of the Month for January. She is the Assisted Living Manager at Friona Heritage Estates. The Resident of the Month is Dickey Garner. Community Bingo is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 25th.
City Council approves bids for community center renovation
The Friona City Council met in regular session on Monday, January 13th at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 619 Main in Friona, Texas. The meeting began with a roll call, an invocation, and the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no public comments. Minutes of the December 9, 2019 regular city council meeting were reviewed and approved. Minutes of the December 12, 2019 joint meeting with the FEDC were reviewed and approved.
Friona Strong
On Dec. 20, a portion of the Cottonwood Apartments was destroyed in a fire. The Friona community pulled together in an amazing way and met immediate needs. The affected families are in the process of relocating, and additional needs have been identified. Mattresses have been purchased through generous donations.
If you have any of the below items you would like to donate, please contact Debra Campbell at 806-265-7675 to arrange pickup/drop off.
• Full size bed frames
• Twin size bed frames
• Gas Ranges
• Refrigerators
• Microwaves
• Tables & chairs
• Pack n’ plays
Contact Debra Campbell at 806-265-7675 for more information