Letter to the Star
Dear Friona Star,
We are the 4th grade “Write” Way Club. The 4th graders are making stockings for soldiers. We are fillings up 12 stockings with things soldiers need. We want to know if the community wants to help us collect items to fill the stockings. This is a list of things people can donate:
Slim Jims or Beef Jerky
Packages of Holiday nuts
Single serving drink mix packets (i.e. Crystal Light)
Playing cards
Puzzle book (Crosswords, Sudoku, Word Find)
Holiday-themed writing pens or pencil
Holiday candy (in sealed wrapping or small unopened bags)
Candy Canes
Peanut Brittle
Travel-sized games
Card games (Uno, Phase 10)
Stress balls (holiday-themed preferred)
Gloves (preferably black; winter; one size fits all)
Single serving cookie packages
Apple cider packets (must be in Ziploc baggies in case the packets break)
Hot chocolate (must be in Ziploc baggies in case the packets breaks)
Small notepads
Holiday-themed lip balm (wrapping and scent)
Caps (warm winter)
Donations can be dropped off at the Friona Elementary School to any of the 4th grade teachers: Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Samarron, Mrs. Jones, and Mrs. Hickman.
We want to thank you and the community for wanting to help us make a difference in the lives of soldiers.
Annison Steelman, Azari Alvarado, Peyton McFarland, Araceli Gonzalez (“Write” Way Club)
(l-r) Peyton McFarland, Annison Steelman, Azaria Alvarado, and Araceli Gonzalez