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Chieftain Gabriel Chico runs with determination against the Idalou Wildcats Friday at Idalou. Chico ran for 74 yards and caught two passes for 8 yards in the 45-0 loss to the Wildcats. Chiefs have an open date this week. Homecoming vs. Lubbock Roosevelt is Friday October 3.
Squaws sweep Brownfield
Tuesday the Friona C team started off the night with a 25-16, 27-25 win over the Brownfield Lady Cubs. The girls played a solid first game and mounted a fierce comeback to win game two.
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The Squaws beat Brownfield in four games Tuesday evening and host River Road Saturday. C Team and JV starts at 12:00 p.m. and varsity follows. Here, Paige Upton fires over the Brownfield defenders to score a point.
Town Talk II
It’s fall ya’ll. So said Linda Smith on her Facebook page. Linda is the Amarillo Globe News carrier who gets up early every morning to fight the traffic and deliver your paper. She also is known for her cookie artistry and baking skills. It is fall and I’ll bet Linda will be baking a batch of pumpkin cookies soon. I bought a couple of her mince meat bars Saturday at the Farmers Market. They were mighty tasty. Let’s get in the spirit and enjoy fall.
Parmer Medical Center offering influenza shots
The influenza shot clinic that Parmer Medical Center offered last year at Friona Senior Citizens was such a success, they are going to offer it again this year. The influenza (flu) vaccinations will be given at the Friona Senior Citizens building located at 1410 Washington on Thursday, October 9 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The charge for the vaccination will be totally covered if the recipient is a subscriber to traditional Medicare. For all other vaccination recipients the cost for the injection is $29.00. (more...)
Brandon Berend wins Week 3
Week 3 of the Friona Star Football contest saw two Friona Chieftains topping the field. Brandon Berend narrowly defeated John Haile in the tiebreaker for the top spot this week. Berend and Haile both got 13 correct. Berend missed the Caprock/Plainview and Georgia Tech/Virginia Tech games while Haile also missed the Caprock/Plainview game he chose the Rams to top the Cowboys.
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Viviana Rivera sets the ball in the C team freshman girls two game win over the Brownfield Lady Cubs Tuesday.