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Links for Thursday, January 3, 2013:

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ron carr photo

The home of Clarence and Peggy Monroe was the winner in the Chamber of Commerce Christmas decoration judging. The prize was $100 in Friona Bucks.


Town Talk II

by Ron Carr

2013, 2013, 2013. Practicing writing the correct year. Hope the date of this first 2013 edition of the Star is correct on the pages. Happy New Year everyone.


White Christmas indeed. The area received snow Christmas Eve night and into Christmas day. I stayed home warm all day. The scanner was busy as DPS troopers, Sheriff deputies, Bovina firemen and EMS were called to a variety of wrecks along Hwy 60 and Hwy 214. The local K3 wrecker service was in big demand on Christmas day as well. (more...)

Chamber accepting citizen nominations Banquet and live auction Tues. March 5

The Friona Chamber of Commerce banquet is Tuesday, March 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the community center. Tickets are $25 and will be sold in advance only. No tickets at the door. A live auction will be held. (more...)