ALL LOCAL… Friona golfers scored a sweep of the first flight in the inaugural Friona Invitational Golf Tournament. From left to right are Pudge Kendrick, winner, Wright Williams, runner-up, and Eddie Coronado, consolation champion. (Friona Star, September 6, 1962)
Golf tournament has past, present, and future legacy
The field is full. Over 80 two-person teams will tee it up July 27th-28th at the 11th Annual Pudge Kendrick Memorial Golf Tournament. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Parmer County Cancer Coalition and the Hereford Cancer Coalition. Both organizations work together to help cancer patients. Greg Lewellen, spokesperson for the event said that over $53,000 has already been raised this year in sponsorships. He hopes to give about $20,000 each to the Parmer County Cancer Coalition and the Hereford Cancer Coalition this year. The Hereford Cancer Coalition was added as a charitable cause a few years back, as a show of support for the Hereford community. Lewellen said, “Hereford has been great to the cause, and we wanted to repay them.” Mr. Lewellen would also like to thank the Deaf Smith Chamber of Commerce, the City of Hereford, and the staff at John Pitman Golf Course for their help in coordinating this annual event.