Deaf Smith Electric Annual Meeting is March 19th
Deaf Smith Electric Cooperative members will receive capital credit refunds, totaling $4 million dollars at the Cooperative’s 81st annual meeting and dinner Tuesday, March 19, 2019. The doors open at 5:30 p.m. at the Hereford Bull Barn, members are asked to bring their registration card, and register at any table, and then make their way to a meal of fish, chicken, and beef. (Please note the time.)
2018 was another good year for Deaf Smith Electric Cooperative. Sales volume was our fourth all-time high. We were blessed with a lack of weather-related damage and we were able to get some maintenance tasks accomplished. Hopefully the power you purchased this year benefited your business too. We all know that when the rains come this situation will change and we are ready for that change to come. Please pray for rain in 2019.
We at Deaf Smith Electric Cooperative are always aware that we work for our members. It is every employee’s desire to keep your lights on and to do so as efficiently as possible. We believe we are creating good value for our members and we hope you agree. We are always looking for ways to improve so let us know if you have ideas we can explore.
We will elect two directors. Position One candidates are incumbent Michael Carlson and nominee Mitch Meyer. Position Two candidate Vick Christian is running unopposed. Mike Veazey, President and General Manager, will provide important information that affects you and your cooperative.
Another highlight of the evening’s activities will be drawings for attendance prizes totaling more than $1500.00, including the grand prize, two airline tickets. All members of Deaf Smith Electric Cooperative are urged to attend; after all, it’s your co-op.
Doors open at 5:30, see you there! Don’t forget that registration card!