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Links for Thursday, January 26, 2017:

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Town Talk II

by Ron Carr

The county burn ban remains lifted. At least until the next county commissioners meeting. Monday, commissioners decided to continue the no burn ban until discussing at their next meeting.


Friona graduate Sergio Mendez was approved by commissioners as the Parmer County Texas A&M AgriLife county extension agent. Commissioners deeded the Bovina property of the Women’s Study Club building to the city of Bovina.


County Judge Trey Ellis said the county has received FEMA expense reimbursement in the amount of $540,268.00 for the Goliath storm damage and clean-up last Dec/Jan. A budget amendment was passed certifying FEMA funds of $93,000 to Precinct 2. The Friona ISD will be withdrawing $27,000 from the Permanent School Fund to be used for school security.


County Treasurer Altha Herington gave commissioners her quarterly report. That report is included in this Star. Sheriff Geries told commissioners they passed their jail inspection recently with the best report they have ever had.


Happy anniversary to Amy and Robert Kerby. They celebrated 26 years last week.


We have received word of the passing of former Friona resident and businessman Leland Hutson. Funeral services will be Friday January 27 at the Canyon Hills Church of Christ in Canyon followed by graveside services in the Friona Cemetery at 2:00 p.m.


We received word that former Parmer County historian and tax assessor Hugh Moseley celebrated his 90th birthday last Sunday and “he is still feisty.” Happy belated birthday Hugh.


For cattle owners, the Sheriff’s Office often has to respond to cattle being out on our highways and county roads. The Sheriff’s office likes to keep a list of cattle owners so they can contact them in case their cattle get out. List yourself and your cattle locations by calling the Sheriff’s office at 806-481-3303 with the following info: your contact information or caretaker contact information, location of livestock and kind of livestock plus any ear tag or brand information.


Happy birthday to my son Casey who turns 40 on February 4. He and his new wife Jen are expecting and their baby is due in September. That’s it for now. Hope you enjoy today’s Star. See you in February. Until then.
