ron carr photo
The 2015 bi-district champion Friona Squaws swept Childress 3-0 Tuesday night at the Canyon Randall gym. The girls will play Shallowater in area competition Saturday November 7 at 6:00 p.m. at the Rip Griffin Center on the Lubbock Christian campus. Bringing home the bi-district gold were, back row, l-r, Paige Upton, Erica Barrera, Kim DeWit, Bailey Pope, Cassie rocha, Mariah Trevino, Salma Escamilla, Raquel Davila; front, l-r, Sabrina Barraza, Courtney Bunker, Evelyn Lozoya, Kendall Barnett, and Taylor Stallings.
Squaws sweep Childress in bi-district
The Friona Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture is looking for vendors to participate at the “Christmas in the Park” on Monday, December 7 in the Friona City Park.
Town Talk II
It is a festive time of year. Pumpkins, fall colors, leaves turning, weather getting cooler, and Thanksgiving and Christmas straight ahead. Online shopping has already begun. Let's approach the coming season with peace and patience.
Christmas vendors needed
The Friona Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture is looking for vendors to participate at the “Christmas in the Park” on Monday, December 7 in the Friona City Park.
Chamber Christmas in the Park plans underway
The Friona Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture is making plans for Christmas in the Park on Monday, December 7.
Littlefield blanks Chiefs 49-0
It was a tough night for the Chieftains in Littlefield. The Wildcats racked up 380 rushing yards, 76 passing yards, and seven touchdowns as they dominated on offense and defense.