PMC & Friona Health CLinic offering flu shots
The influenza shot clinic that Parmer Medical Center offered last year at Friona Senior Citizens was such a success, they are going to offer it again this year. The influenza (flu) vaccinations will be given at the Friona Senior Citizens building located at 1410 Washington on Thursday, October 9 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The charge for the vaccination will be totally covered if the recipient is a subscriber to traditional Medicare. For all other vaccination recipients the cost for the injection is $29.00.
Medicaid will not cover the charge for the vaccinations received at Friona Senior Citizens but will cover the cost for vaccinations received at Friona Rural Health Clinic located at 1307 Cleveland Avenue. For more information, call Rhonda Wilkins at 806-250-2754 or Susie Spring at 806-250-2781.