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Links for Thursday, March 21, 2013:

obituariesnewstown talkreceptionskids inccargill

ron carr photo

Class of 2013 seniors having some fun at the St. Teresa’s Catholic Church banquet Monday evening. Graduation is May 31. More photos from the banquet in our photo section

ron carr photo

Deaf Smith Electric Co-Op members received capital credit checks at the annual meeting Tuesday evening at the Hereford bull Barn.

Town Talk II

by Ron Carr

I think I’ve adjusted to the time change. I also adjusted to the warmer weather just in time for a cold front to blow through this weekend with temps in the 30s and 40s. Plus that nice 10-minute burst of water and dirt that blew through this week added some excitement to our weather.


Don’t know how accurate this is. Got it off of Facebook. This year 22,082 show pigs were validated in Texas. Each of these market hogs represents 371 servings of pork. That means that almost 8.2 million servings will enter the food chain in 2013 thanks to exhibitors’ hard work and passion for agriculture. (more...)


A going away reception March 24, 2 – 3:30 p.m. at Calvary Baptist for Pastor Rick and Gail Burton. They are leaving for a position in Mississippi.

A Doctor’s Day reception Wednesday March 27, at 1:30 p.m. in the hospital conference room. Everyone is welcome to come by and show appreciation for our doctors. Sponsored by the hospital auxiliary. (more...)

Kids Inc sign-ups and board members needed

Parents it is time to sign your kids up to play t-ball and baseball for the spring season. Sign-up ranges from ages Pre-K through 6th grade.

Costs will depend on the child’s age and league placement and includes cap and t-shirt for your child’s team. Costs are: t-ball $25; coach pitch $30; minor league $35; major league $40. (more...)

Cargill's annual awards banquet

The Cargill Friona plant held its annual employee service awards banquet Saturday night, March 16, 2013, at the Hereford Country Club. Sixty-six employees were recognized for 25-, 30-, 35-, and 40 years of employment.

General manager Jon Surman welcomed the group and introduced department managers who in turn introduced employee awards in their respective departments. Mr. Surman thanked the employees for their years with the company and said their service and dedication was a big reason the Friona plant remained open when the Plainview plant was closed. (more...)