Pictured (l-r): John Keating, President of Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation; Dyron Howell, founder of Snack Pack 4 Kids; Star Stater, Operations Coordinator for Cargill Animal Nutrition; and Scott Pohlman, General Manager of the Friona Cargill Plant.
Movies in the Park

On Wednesday, September 26th, the Friona City Manager, Police Department, and Mayor Ricky White met with the entire 7th grade class to discuss community involvement. The students had some great ideas on how the City can engage its citizens and help bring everyone together. One of the suggestions was to show Halloween movies in the City Park throughout the month of October. So, beginning on Tuesday, October 9th, the City of Friona and the 7th grade class of Friona Junior High School will launch “Movies in the Park” at dusk (sundown). “Hocus Pocus” will be the feature attraction on the first evening. The Tuesday evening movies will also be shown on October 16th, 23rd, and 30th. The City will post movie titles and dates on their Facebook page and website (www.cityoffriona.com).
Town Talk
Happy first birthday to Rynlee Wilson!
Happy Anniversary to Dale & Laura Hart on their 64th Wedding Anniversary on October 8.
Cargill Donates to Snack Pak 4 Kids
During the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Cargill Plant in Friona last Saturday in the Friona City Park, the Cargill Corporation presented a $40,000 check to the Snack Pak 4 Kids organization.
Snack Pak 4 Kids (SP4K) is a weekend backpack program that began eight years ago. Dyron Howell and his wife, Kelly, started the program in their kitchen serving just 10 kids at Will Rogers Elementary School in Amarillo. They discovered that Amarillo was the largest city west of Dallas without a weekend backpack program, and yet, more than 3,200 children in the Amarillo Independent School District relied only on the meals served to them at school for their weekly food. That meant hundreds of children spent their nights and weekends hungry. On Friday, September 3, 2010, the first 10 SP4K recipients received a bag containing enough food to get them through the weekend.
Friona Interbank takes trip to New York
Twenty Five customers and friends of Friona’s Interbank returned Monday, Sept 24th, from a 5 day trip to New York City. We were fortunate to have great weather, good food, (Among our food experiences, we enjoyed eating our New York hotdogs and pizzas from the vendors along the streets.) and had a wonderful time getting to know each other better. Upon arriving at the Big Apple, we each went our separate way: some went up the Empire State Building, some went to the “Top of the Rock”, some went to Central Park, some visited Times Square (and saw some sights there (!)) and some just wanted to rest. A very few of us went to see Lion King!