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Links for Thursday, June 9, 2016:

NewsTown TalkKendrick Golf Tournament

Town Talk II

by Ron Carr

Official weather guy John Gurley says we received 0.33” of rain Sunday night and have 2.01” so far this month. And the month isn’t even half way over. More is in the forecast they say on the TV news.


A carnival is coming to Friona June 22-25 at the community center parking lot. It is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Elsewhere in today’s Star is information about how to put together a Cheeseburger Cookoff team. Entry forms are available on the Chamber Facebook page. Or call the Chamber at 250-3491. They are soliciting donations for the July 4 fireworks show. If you can help please do.


Former Friona resident Karen Stevick King received her 10-year pin from American Airlines this week. She is a flight attendant. Congratulations Karen.


Nathan Moroney of the Moroney-Gingg Del Rio Dairy family, participated in the Palo Duro Canyon 24 Hours in the Canyon ride last weekend. He won 1st place in the 12-hour solo ride and placed 1st in his 18-34 age group. His wife Crystal said he rode 98 miles in the 12-hour solo ride.


The last time I saw Matthew Teague was at the Chieftain baseball field his senior year at FHS. Now, on May 14, 2016, he graduated from West Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Technology. He is currently living and working in Amarillo where he plans to be for the next few years. Matthew is the son of Susie and Chuck Teague of Friona. Great accomplishment Matthew. Congratulations.


The resident of the month at Prairie Acres for June is Shirley Wise. The employee of the month is Carol McIntosh. She is in medical records/supply clerk and has been employed since September 1988. That’s almost 30 years. Yvette Garcia was recognized for 10 years of service. Thanks to all of the Prairie Acres/Heritage Estates staff for operating excellent facilities.


Received a subscription renewal from Dub and Virginia Cleveland with a note: Thank you for continuing to cover all the Friona area news. We look forward to our weekly report. The Clevelands live in Mesquite. Thanks Virginia for the nice note.


Dr. Pam Ray is now in the FISD Superintendent’s office. High school secretary Imelda Saucedo will move to the administration building as Dr. Ray’s secretary. Kathy Sandoval, former superintendent secretary, will move over to replace Ella Kirton. Ella and her husband Ben, elementary principal, will be moving to Arlington. Imelda and Kathy have been very helpful to us at the Star the past few years helping us keep up with school activities.

At the high school Lindsay Rackley, wife of band director Chris Rackley, will be the new high school secretary for new principal Erika Montana. Adam Nix is the new Squaws varsity basketball coach. Danny Finch comes from Hartley as the new high school assistant principal. He is a native of Brownfield. Interviews are still ongoing for the elementary principal position.


The 8th annual H.K. “Pudge” Kendrick golf tournament will be held July 30-31 at the John Pitman Golf Club in Hereford. This is a popular event and early sign-up is recommended. Details are elsewhere in this Star. It is a two-person scramble and the fee is $250 per team.


Crystal Moroney and her mom Liz Gingg (Del Rio Dairy family) are the proprietors of Milk House Market, a vintage antique neat junk place. They have been located at Main and Hwy 60. They have purchased the vacant Hometown Hardware building across the street at Main and 10th and will be moving into the building after some remodeling. They have plans to put in windows and open up the interior and generally overhaul the building which gives them room to spread out their inventory. I spoke with Crystal this week and she is excited about the move. It should bring more customers from out of town too she thinks. Always good to see businesses expand and prosper in our town.


On June 11 we can wish Lewis and Elizabeth Gore a happy 61st anniversary. June should be a big anniversary month for all of you June brides. If you have an anniversary this month let us know please. Happy anniversary to the Gores.


The Sonshine School at the Friona First Baptist Church is now taking enrollments. The school will start September 6 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for ages 2-4. Registration forms can be picked up at the church office or on the website For more information contact Candice Schueler at 250-3933.


Hillary gave us a big hug this week and said we are all under the glass ceiling. She says we all need to come together. I have no idea what she is talking about but women everywhere should be proud and happy. I remain a staunch Clinton hater and until November I will be aggravating the anti-Trump people. Might as well have some election fun. See you next week. Until then!
