FHS senior parents, you have a meeting Monday January 25 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. At 6:00 p.m. the topics will be the annual senior steak dinner and the all-night party. At 7:00 p.m. there will be a financial aid presentation on scholarships, grants, and loans to help your graduate with college. All senior parents are urged to attend.
The Five Star Bistro has announced this will be their last week at the current location. They are planning to open at the Hub Café in the next several weeks. The move will make way for the Donut Shop that has been pending for several months. Mandie Hamilton invites all of her customers to come see them at the Hub Café, coming soon.
The Friona Chamber of Commerce is soliciting nominations for the citizen awards that will be presented at the Chamber banquet March 8. Nominations are open for Man, Woman, Students, Employee, and Citizen of the year. Nomination forms are available at the Chamber office.
Friona's popular Amarillo Globe News carrier Linda Smith has given notice that she is giving up the job at the end of January. She has some health issues and needs to 'retire'. The Globe News is looking for a replacement. If you are interested and need a little extra money call Crystal at 806-676-7378 or Misty at 806-236-5112.
Stopped by the Friona Stock Show for a while on Saturday until the dust got to me. Took home a nice brisket sandwich from the concession stand. Dana Jameson stuck around and got plenty of photos to share. The Parmer County Junior Show will be underway by the time you get this paper. The Premium Sale begins at 1:00 p.m. Saturday Jan 23 and another good brisket meal will be available. We will feature all of the Champions next week.
Our Valentine's Brag paper with photos of your favorite valentines will be published February 11. Valentine's Day is on Sunday this year. Check out the ad with details in this Star and bring your photos by the office or call us about emailing them.
Sign-up for local elections began Wednesday January 20 and runs through Friday, February 19. There are two terms expiring on the school board and three, including mayor, on the city council. Also terms will be expiring on the hospital board. Applications are available at city hall, the FISD administration building, or at the hospital. The election is May 7.
Sheriff Randy Geries reports the Parmer County jail was inspected January 12 and found to be in compliance with Texas minimum jail standards. That's good news to have a good jail even for those who are in jail.
Donna Rector emailed that her mom Eva fell and broke her femur and is being transferred to a nursing home in Decatur. Her dad Floyd will now be living with Donna in Rhome, Texas. Floyd and Eva lived in Lubbock. Our best wishes to all.
Squaws and Chiefs host the Littlefield Wildcats Friday night January 22. JV at 5:00, varsity girls at 6:30, varsity boys at 8:00 p.m. The Squaws are 1-3 in district. The Chiefs at 0-2 are looking for the first district win. Come support the teams and try some tasty nachos. See you there. Until then!