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Football contest starts next week

The annual Friona Star football contest will begin in the Thursday September 5 issue. The contest will run for 12 weeks with a $25 cash prize to the weekly winner and a $100 grand prize to the overall point winner. In case of a tie at the end of the 12 weeks the grand prize will be divided.

Each weekly contest will include 15 games, five each high school, college, and NFL. We will tally the weekly entries and keep a record of individual totals based on the number of correct games picked. The contestant with the most correct games over the season will win the grand prize so it is important to enter every week. We have never had a winner that did not enter every week.

There will be two tie-breaker games every week in which you will enter the total score in the game. The second tie-breaker will be used in case contestants tie on the first tie-breaker.

Only official entry forms will be accepted. No entries on tablet paper or other scratch paper. You can submit a copy of the entry form. The official entry blank will be available on our website, by late Wednesday evening. We will not accept entries online or email.

Entries can also be faxed to 806-250-5127 or dropped off at the red mailbox in front of the Friona Star office on Main St. and at Dorothy’s Beauty Shop in Bovina. All entries are due by 4:00 p.m. each Friday. Mailed entries need to be postmarked by 4 p.m. Friday and mailed to Friona Star, PO Box 789, Friona 79035. We hope you will enter the competition and have some fun, maybe win some cash, or at least earn some bragging rites. We appreciate our football contest sponsors who make this annual football contest possible. Look for the first contest Thursday September 5 and good luck.